爱的模样(完)【H】
bupkis提示您:看后求收藏(爱的模样(完)【H】,【汤姆·里德尔】高H同人文(强制爱,乙女),bupkis,书盟小说网),接着再看更方便。
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“do
you
reber
the
first
ti
we
t,
aore?”(你还记得我们初次相见的情景吗,爱茉尔?)
爱茉尔还是认真想了想。
“h,
fifth
year’s
first
dada
css…
we
were
outside
the
sun
was
perfect
you
taught
how
to
deal
with
red
caps”(嗯……五年级第一堂课……我们在外面。阳光正好。你教我们怎么对付红帽子。)
汤姆笑着摇了摇头。
“thk
further
back
we
were
nocturne
alley,
and
you
were——”(往回想想,我们在翻倒巷,你那时候——),他比划个手势,
“——you
were
wee
big”(——你才这么高。)
翻倒巷……
在她年纪还小的时候……
博金-博克?
“that
was
you?!”(那是你?!)
汤姆望着她微笑不语。
那日正值盛夏,他领她走出翻倒巷时,新雨初霁,阳光正好。他领着她在某个人头攒动的店铺前停下,给两人一人买了一支雪糕。
在爱茉尔的记忆里,那是头一回有人问她想吃什么。
“honestly,
still
can’t
ite
fatho
why
did
that…
not
that
regret
lendg
hand,
d
you
it’s
jt—well,
it’s
not
exactly
the
rt
of
thg
i’d
ually
do”(说真的,我也不太清楚我当时为什么会那样做……不是说我后悔帮忙,只是……这并不是我通常会做的事。)
言毕,里德尔偏着头,想了片刻,一边用拇指在爱茉尔手心里擦出一个个小圈儿。
“i
suppose
you
reded
of
yself
on
that
first
lo
trip
only
wish
one
had
done
the
sa
for
back
then”(我想,你大概让我想起了我独自一人第一次去斜角巷的模样。我希望当时能有人也为我这么做。)
爱茉尔眸沁笑意,就跟看透了汤姆的心思一样,语气轻描淡写,却掩不住声音的柔缓。
“you
know,
it’s
onts
like
these
that
ake
realize
you’re
lot
kder
and
warr
than
you
let
on
you
ay
not
adit
it,
but
what
you
do
speak
vos
and
for
what
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